Pronounced Destiny

The Unicorn Stampede

Since 2018, on average, a new unicorn has been minted every 1-2 days.

A Rapidly Growing $4 Trillion Dollar Asset Class

Technology now drives growth across all industries.

Growth today is an embedded function of technological progress — from Aerospace (SpaceX) and Transportation (Uber) to Financial Services (Stripe) and Travel (Airbnb).

The reach and scale enabled by technology creates an incredible amount of value for consumers and even more financial gain for shareholders and investors in these private technology companies.

Today's $4T unicorn market will represent the next $30T of value created over the next decade. Even though this wealth is growing faster than ever before, it is being concentrated in the hands of fewer and fewer ultra-wealthy investors.

That’s why we created D/XYZ.

We are on a mission to give back growth.

We believe in a kinder form of capitalism – in a future where people have a vested interest in transformative companies they know, use, and love.

D/XYZ’s exchange-traded products will bring a sophisticated and liquid approach to ownership of some of the top venture-backed technology companies, breaking down barriers that limit access to individual investors who want a stake in the grow of companies that shape our collective future.

Over the past 20 years, the number of publicly listed U.S. equities has halved to approximately 4,000 companies, driven by a reduction in public listings; meanwhile, the companies that enter the public markets are doing so later.

The early growth once available to retail investors in innovative tech companies like Amazon and Google is today concentrated in the private markets, deepening wealth inequality as access to growth is limited to those who meet the “accredited investor” threshold of $200,000 in annual income or $1M in net worth.

D/XYZ is redefining the venture investment ecosystem so it serves everyone, giving growth back to everyday investors by providing public access to the private market.

We believe in a kinder form of capitalism – in a future where people have a vested interest in transformative companies they know, use, and love.

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